Steps to Avoid Post-Partum Depression

New mothers are at a risk of experiencing post-partum depression. Maybe there is a history of such in your family, or perhaps you have a hormonal condition that place you at a higher risk of developing such. The stress and anxiety of childbirth could as well contribute to complications resulting to PPD. Listen, whatever your situation, there is nothing to worry about. This article will give ten simple steps to help you battle your way back to normalcy and enjoy the amazing motherhood journey. Read on.

Realistic expectations

baby cryingChildbirth is a process, it not what you see on TV or movies. It is a reality. It comes with its blessing and stress as well. Babies are born tiny, yes, some are very tiny. They do not come out clean; they need to be washed and made perfect. Childbirth comes with weight gain, yes, and a lot of weight. Do not expect to look like those new moms on magazines, they have probably done amazing Photoshop, or they have personal chefs and personal trainers by their side. Accept yourself just the way you are.


It is time to rest. The body is put under a lot of strain during pregnancy. It will be only fair to rest as much as you can after delivery. It is a lot of work growing a human being in you. It is even harder, popping them out. Get help and relax as much as you can.

Ask for help

Do not try to be a super mom. Ask for help from your friends and family. At times the baby will cry and cry, to a point you feel it is too much. It is okay mom, pass them to the people near you and let them sooth him or her for you. Have someone take care of the baby while you take a shower or even go out shopping.

Visit the gym

baby and motherIt is advisable to sign up for gym classes tailored specifically for new mothers. This way you will shed off your baby weight and fight PPD as well. With people going through the same thing as you do, it will be easy. Before making the first payment, be sure to see the services they offer to new mothers.

Balanced diet

We are what we eat. Your diet has a great impact on how you feel. Eat better to feel better. It sounds simple, but it should be that way. A poor diet will open you to PPD. It is therefore advisable to make sure that your meals have a lot of vitamins and nutrients.…

prenatal checkup

Tips for Choosing the Right Ob-gyn

When it comes to selecting a care provider, people are cautious. The situation is made more real when it is an ob-gyn. An ob-gyn is an acronym that stands for obstetrician and gynecologist. An obstetrician is the one who delivers babies while a gynecologist takes care of the woman’s reproductive system. This two are the most special caregivers to a woman. This is why it is vital for one to be careful when choosing them. For those residing in Phoenix, the following are some tips that may help you in case you need to have a new one:

One’s Philosophy

Medical philosophies usually differ from one practitioner to another; for instance, natural childbirth, holistic methods, and C-section, among others. For this reason, it is necessary to make several consultation meetings with several doctors to discuss these matters before settling on one. By so doing, you are able to tell where one’s believes lies.


APPARATUSDespite the fact that one is a gynecologist or an obstetrician, they may have put more focus in a given area; for instance, infertility. Having a discussion with the doctor will give you more information on this. In the event that they are specialized in the area where you have problems, they might be the best choice for you as they may have more knowledge in the area than those who have not specialized.

Ease of Access

Convenience is another factor to consider before settling on an ob-gyn. A good phoenix obgyn is one who is easy to access. It does not make much sense for a pregnant mother having to drive miles and miles for the normal appointments. This becomes worse when she is expecting a complicated birth.

Office Staff

No one wants to be in a place where they are not treated nicely especially when one has a problem. It is therefore good to observe how the office staff treats their patients to know what to expect.


It is also advisable to find out whether the hospital accepts the type of insurance coverage that you have taken. Some of the tests relating to women health are quite expensive. It might therefore not make financial sense signing up in a hospital that might not accept your insurance coverage.


Different mothers have different preferences. There are those who prefer male doctors and others female doctor. The most important thing is that one is comfortable with their doctor.


The above are just some few tips that will help you with choosing who is to be your ob-gyn. The most important thing to ensure is that you are comfortable with your specialist so that you are able to have all your concerns addressed. Full disclosure when it comes to matters of reproductive health is important if you are to get the necessary help. Getting the right ob-gyn will go a long way in helping you deal with this problem.…